Sunday, October 07, 2007

A Thousand Hills

...for every animal of the forest is mine, and the cattle on a thousand hills. (Psalm 50:10, NIV)

This past Saturday, October 6, we held our fall rummage sale. It was a success both financially and in terms of the people we were able to speak to about the vision of Vita Nova. Sandra Reyes, one of our board members, had helped the students make bookmarks that we gave to each customer.

While some of the Vita Nova family worked the sale, others traveled to Fairland, Indiana, for an auction of items from the Tri-Central School District. For an amazingly small sum of money, we were able to purchase desks, chairs, overhead projectors, a map, multi-purpose carts, and a microwave. It was simply amazing.

As I reflected on the blessings of the day, I could not help but think of the verse above from Psalm 50. Our heavenly Father can more than supply all of our needs. Why would we ever doubt Him?

A big thanks to all who worked so hard to make the fall rummage sale a success. We will have pictures available soon on the website.

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