Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Parent Dinner

Last night, October 29, the families of Vita Nova gathered for a pitch-in dinner. We will have pictures on the website soon, but let's just say for now that it was too much fun! There was enough potato salad to sink a battleship, wonderful pasta, and some of the finest hotdogs and hamburgers ever to come off a smoking charcoal grill. Of course the children played in the beautiful area around Vita Nova while the adults grilled, laughed, and enjoyed each other's company. When at last the increasing chill in the air took us inside and away from the stunning fall foliage and brilliant October sky, the children led us in prayer, and we continued the fellowship.

Put a group of parents together and the talk naturally turns to their children. As we shared stories and pictures, we began to reflect on what we are already seeing in our children, though we are but a little more than two months into the school year. Several parents remarked on how their children were using Spanish around the house, and one said that her daughter was helping her older brother with his math. One parent shared that her child no longer cried at night as she had when attending a school that was not able to challenge her or help her grow.

It was wonderful to spend some time together, sharing food and sharing life, remembering that Vita Nova is more than just a school. It is family.

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