Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Happy Birthday, Jesus!

Today the students of Vita Nova are celebrating a birthday party for Jesus. Yes, they are having cake, but you may well wonder what sort of gifts there will be at party for the King of Kings. After all, as any child can tell you, it is not a birthday party without gifts.

This year our students are honoring God by giving to the least among us. In Matthew 25:40 (NIV), Jesus told a parable that taught us something about God. "'I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me." For their birthday presents to Jesus, our students are bringing in grocery bags of food for Shepherd Community Center, an outreach ministry in Indianapolis. These bags will reach the hungry in Indianpolis through the Bag Hunger ministry of Grace Community Church.

We talk a lot about our mission, and our particular vision at VNCA is providing a challenging educational environment where children learn to apply to the present and the future the wisdom of the past in the light of the One Who is truth, Jesus Christ. Giving birthday presents to Jesus by helping the hungry in Indianapolis is a great example of how we are living this out.

Friday, December 07, 2007

Prayers from Italy

One praise song has the lyrics, "I'm humbled by Your mercy and I'm broken inside." That is how I feel after learning that brothers and sisters in Christ are praying for us today in Italy. Here is how it happened.

I recently discovered a website ( that has existed for about a year and that contains all the Latin writings from the time of the Apostles until the present age. This is truly a magnificent academic site, unparalleled in its scope. I emailed the people involved, whom I do not know, to thank them. One of them, an Italian named Giuseppe, emailed me back yesterday, and after further email with him, he said the following:

Tomorrow we will all pray and will fast for you, your family, your school, and your country, the US.

I was so stunned when I read this last night that I could hardly speak. I am humbled by the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that he would adopt us into a family with brothers and sisters around the world and that He would inspire some of them to be praying for us today. I never cease to be astounded by His grace.

Tuesday, December 04, 2007

The Value of Latin

A frequently asked question in today's fast-paced, high-tech world is, "Why study Latin?" One of the best answers to this question appeared in a recent op-ed piece in the New York Times.

As a Classical and Christian school, we strive to offer families the best education. To accomplish this, we believe that a solid grounding in the languages and cultures, the literature and the arts, of the ancient world is essential. As you will see in the above article, this has long been the view. That it is no longer the vision in many schools simply points to the need for schools like Vita Nova to offer what they cannot...a challenging educational environment where children learn to apply to the present and the future the wisdom of the past in the light of the One Who is truth, Jesus Christ.

Monday, December 03, 2007

The Round Table

The Parent Round Table met tonight for the first time. This is the group of parents that actively supports the Knights of Vita Nova (Knights? Round table? Get it?). It is no surprise why God is able to use these families in the development of this school. Talented? You bet. Skilled? Without question. But what really makes them stand out is their passion. These parents have a passionate desire not only for what is best for their own children, but for what is best for all children. We look forward to seeing what great ideas they will be inspired to lead into reality in the months ahead.

If you would like to be part of the Round Table, please contact Nancy Wright at This is a great group of parents and is just the place for a new family to begin connecting with the family that is VNCA.

Christmas Card

Vita Nova received its first Christmas card! One of our supporters sent us a beautiful Christmas card along with a gift. Thank you so much, and thanks to all of you who have supported Vita Nova. May the peace and joy that surround the celebration of Christ's birth fill the hearts and homes of you all.